Ready to COPE

The free guide for pregnancy, birth and the first year of parenthood

Looking for a free weekly pregnancy guide?  

Stay informed and feel reassured during pregnancy and your first year of parenthood with Ready to COPE – the free weekly email series for pregnancy, birth and the first year of parenthood

Sign up to Ready to COPE

Free to receive

Fully funded by the Australian Government, Ready to COPE is a free pregnancy and parenting guide that delivers weekly updates to your inbox. Created by COPE – Australia’s peak body in perinatal mental health – it equips mothers, fathers, and partners with clear, honest and evidence-based information.

Only receive information relevant to your pregnancy or parenting journey

Ready to COPE is designed to help you understand what to expect and how to cope with the range of physical and emotional changes and challenges of each week of pregnancy, birth and the first 12 months of being a mum, dad or parent.

By entering your baby’s due date or birth date upon sign-up, our free email series will track your pregnancy or baby’s age. Plus, you’ll receive relevant pregnancy or parenting information at the time you need it most.

Weekly emails you’ll receive during pregnancy and early motherhood or parenthood cover topics such as:

  • Coping with changes to your body during pregnancy 
  • Accepting your post-baby body
  • Coping with morning sickness
  • How to emotionally prepare for birth
  • Shopping for your baby
  • How pregnancy and motherhood can impact your career
  • Changes to friendships during pregnancy and motherhood
  • Common changes to relationships, sex and intimacy
  • Coping with an unsettled baby
  • How to make new mum-friends during motherhood
  • Parental burnout, parent guilt, and how to take care of yourself
  • What might increase your risk of stress, depression and anxiety in the antenatal period, plus how to know if or when you should seek help

Ready to COPE free pregnancy guide

Stay informed and feel reassured during pregnancy, birth and the first 12 months of parenthood

Sign up to receive Ready to COPE


Evidence-based resources and support pathways

Ready to COPE will direct you to additional supportive resources on parents’ mental wellbeing, including factsheets on stress, anxiety and depression.

The email series also provides pathways to specialist perinatal mental health support in your local area, or Australia wide, if needed

Why mums recommend the Ready to COPE during pregnancy and parenthood

Amazing… focuses on parents’ wellbeing

It provides you with weekly updates from a clinical psychologist who gives useful and practical tips to look after your wellbeing in pregnancy and the first year after having your baby. I felt really comforted by the content each week and learnt a lot about how to look after my mental health during some tough days postpartum. It connected me with a wonderful mum’s group via Mama Tribe and to a directory where I found lots of useful parenting helplines!  – AshaLouise

Support when you need it most

[Ready to COPE] has helped me on my darkest days struggling with postnatal anxiety and depression. Having information and tools I can use to evaluate how I’m feeling and come to terms with my emotions has been enormously helpful. Highly recommend. – Melbourne Mumma

Created by Dr Nicole Highet, COPE Founder and Executive Director

Dr Nicole Highet is the Founder and Executive Director of Australia’s peak body in perinatal mental health, the Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE). 

As a Doctor of Psychology specialising in perinatal mental health over 25 years, Dr. Highet is committed to informing and empowering women and their families with timely, quality information.

Importantly, Ready to COPE is underpinned by the Australian National Clinical Guidelines, so it’s evidence-based information you can trust.

Feel prepared and reassured for the changes and challenge of parenthood

Sign up for Ready to COPE today

Sign up for Ready to COPE

Fill out your details below to receive the Ready to COPE newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox with fresh information both during and after pregnancy.

^ We ask you to share your baby's due/birth date so that the information in our emails will arrive when you need it the most.