Loneliness in early parenthood – information for health professionals

Many parents struggle with loneliness and isolation in early parenthood. This deprives them of the social benefits of interaction which can play a critical role in preventing emotional and mental health conditions.
Support for mums – Mama Tribe
Mama Tribe is a nationwide community movement of over 70,000 mums. Established in 2017, we have expanded to a network of 47 location-based groups across metropolitan, regional, and rural Australia.
We are passionate about supporting mums at a community level, and are rallied behind a mission to ensure no mum is lonely, isolated or without support. mama tribe is free and open to all expectant and new mums. Loneliness in early parenthood and beyond is sadly the personal experience of many new mothers. These experiences were amplified with the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the cancellation of many postnatal support groups, and new parent classes. A survey conducted within Mama Tribe, revealed eighty per cent of our members had had reported feeling socially isolated, and had experienced periods of loneliness since becoming a mother. The sentiment of never being physically alone, but feeling so lonely along the path through early parenthood.
Eighty per cent of our members had had reported feeling socially isolated, and had experienced periods of loneliness since becoming a mother. The sentiment of never being physically alone, but feeling so lonely along the path through early parenthood.
Creating embedded social connections and having access to a support network in-community can be preventative, at a time when the importance of connection for mental and emotional wellbeing has never been clearer.
We know firsthand that motherhood is better, together, and having social support from other mothers can have a positive impact in navigating the ups and downs of parenthood.
Our Ambassadors
Our volunteer Ambassadors are an integral part of our community, providing the localised leadership on the ground to help us achieve our mission to support mothers.
Our team receives perinatal mental first aid training, developed and accredited by COPE. This equips them with the sound knowledge and insights to identify mums who may be may be at risk of mental and emotional health challenges, and the ability to direct them to timely and appropriate support. Mama Tribe is underpinned by the core values of connection & community, kindness & inclusivity, and support & advocacy.
Our community
Our communities are facilitated through private Facebook groups, and remain a safe and inclusive space for mums to connect with other mums for friendship and support. Additionally we create a welcome opportunity for mums to connect face to face, by hosting regular Ambassador hosted events called ‘Mama Mingles’.
As a community of mums for mums, members are encouraged to get actively involved in their local Mama Tribe, by hosting their own meet-ups and events, and in doing so creating their own support village. Being a part of COPE, brings a dedication to preventing and reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health, as we work together to create bigger and better support systems nationwide.
With COPE’s expert knowledge and resources, and Mama Tribe’s network and grassroots approach, we are creating real impact together, in changing the landscape of perinatal mental health across Australia. To connect people with Mama Tribe, encourage them to visit the website at mamatribe.com.au where that can connect with like-mind mums and feel safe and supported.