COPE Online Training: Course Information

COPE is committed to supporting health professionals to have access to appropriate training. We currently have online courses offering basic skills in perinatal mental health, and specialised training in supporting bereaved parents through perinatal loss.
Course background and information
Basic Skills in Perinatal Mental Health
Our Basic Skills in Perinatal Mental Health course is informed by a Training Matrix that outlines key components of knowledge and skills required to undertake screening and management of perinatal mental health disorders.
The Training Matrix was originally developed under Australia’s National Perinatal Depression Initiative (2008-2013) through the establishment of a National Workforce Training and Development Committee. Following the release of the National Clinical Practice Guideline in 2017, an Expert Committee was formed, including representatives of peak bodies involved in the delivery of mental health in Australia, to review and update the Matrix.
The Matrix reflects expertise required at basic, intermediate and advanced levels, and provides those developing programs with a framework to assist with preparation of courses and curriculum.
Perinatal Loss in Practice
COPE in partnership with The Perinatal Loss Centre has developed two online training programs to support health professionals in caring for couples experiencing perinatal loss.
- Perinatal Loss: What Hospital Staff Need to Know has been developed specifically for midwives, obstetricians and front-line maternity care providers to support the provision of best practice care.
- Perinatal Loss: What Therapists Need to Know has been developed for mental health professionals to provide education about effective interventions in bereavement care for individuals and couples experiencing perinatal loss.
Future online training
We are currently in the process of developing a series of new online training programs to support health professionals. To register your interest and be notified once these become available, sign-up to COPE’s e-newsletter for Health Professionals.