Adaption of iCOPE for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

There are currently three mental health screening tools that have been developed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and men in the perinatal period: the Mt Isa Postnatal Depressions Scale, the Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale (KMMS) and Baby-Coming-You-Ready?
The KMMS and Mt Isa Postnatal Depression Scale screening tools are fully integrated into iCOPE, and available to health services across the country via the iCOPE program.
The Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale (KMMS), is a two-part screen, specifically designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in the perinatal period. The screen is delivered by the healthcare professional in a conversational setting. Results from the Kimberly Mum’s Mood Scale implementation project found that Aboriginal women consistently reported that it was important to have someone to talk to.
Part one of the screen mirrors the EPDS, using language and graphics as determined through the Kimberley consultation. Part two of the screen contains a psychosocial component which involves talking or yarning to explore important psychosocial protective and risk factors.
The Mt Isa Postnatal Depression Scale was developed and validated under the National Perinatal Depression Initiative for use with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. The Scale mirrors the EPDS, using language identified to be more culturally appropriate for First Nations peoples. The psychosocial risk factors are then explored using the traditional ANRQ questions delivered by the iCOPE screening tool.
‘Baby-Coming – You Ready?’ (BCYR) is an interactive approach to screening and assessment undertaken in a conversational format with the health professional. Developed by researchers at Murdoch University, the tool is pictorial in format and is accompanied by audio. This tool has been programmed onto the iCOPE system and will soon also be made available via the iCOPE screening program.