
E-Therapies are online programs designed to provide you with assistance via the internet or mobile phone applications. E-therapies can not only be very effective in providing effective treatments like cognitive behaviour therapy for antenatal depression and postnatal depression, but also for anxiety that may be experienced during pregnancy or following the birth of a baby.

One of the greatest benefits of these online therapies for parents is that they are highly accessible. They can be accessed at a time that is convenient to you (for example when the baby is sleeping) and you don’t have to organise childcare/or manage the demands of the baby in a session.

E-therapies come in a variety of forms. Many include mental health screening tools such as symptom checklists – to give you a guide as to whether you may be experiencing a mental health condition. Some will include information seminars with specific advice on self-help and coping strategies. There are also forums or structured programs available which are based on the principles of effective psychological treatments like cognitive behaviour therapy. This may be facilitated by a health professional, or automated depending on your responses as you work through the structured program.

Many of these online e-therapies are offered free-of-charge, while others charge a fee. Visit www.mindhealthconnect.org.au for online programs.