Find an accredited professional with the eCOPE Directory

The eCOPE Directory lists perinatal services and health professionals focusing on emotional and mental health in the perinatal period. COPE developed the eCOPE Directory to help you find support for emotional and mental health problems you may experience when trying to get pregnant, expecting a baby, or in early parenthood.
Purpose of the eCOPE Directory
Many people require help for emotional and mental health problems that can arise prior to or during pregnancy, or in the first years after having a baby. However, it can be hard to know where to go for understanding, support and trusted professional advice.
I didn’t know where to start! My GP just didn’t understand where I was at or how bad I was feeling. I didn’t know where else to go, who to ask, or what treatments would be helpful.
eCOPE is staffed by professionals with a special interest, knowledge and/or expertise in pre and postnatal emotional health. The services listed on the eCOPE Directory provide support, treatment and/or management of emotional and mental health problems in the perinatal (ante and postnatal) periods.
This online directory aims to help you to identify the range of perinatal services that are local and/or accessible to you.
What is required to list perinatal services on the eCOPE Directory?
The services listed reflect COPE’s Company Membership comprising of the professional bodies in primary, maternity and mental health care. To qualify for listing, individual health professionals are required to have current professional membership with their respective Colleges. They are also required to demonstrate specific training and expertise in perinatal emotional and mental health.
In addition, listed services provide evidence-based treatment and support that is in line with Australia’s Best Practice Perinatal Guideline.
Important: COPE makes every effort to identify practitioners and services claiming to be adhering to best practice. However, COPE cannot be held responsible in any way for the outcome of the service provided by any listed practitioner or service.
What types of perinatal services are listed in the Directory ?
The services listed in the eCOPE Directory has been informed by the range of emotional and mental health needs that men and women commonly have around the time of having a baby. Services may be required to address possible risk factors in pregnancy or following birth. They may also be required or to assist in the management or treatment of antenatal and postnatal mental health conditions.
Pathways for emotional and mental health
Those services identified for mental health conditions are designed to cover the range of support and effective treatment options that may be required. Some services listed can assist for managing mild symptoms (such as online programs and support groups). Other services are likely to be required to manage more severe symptoms or conditions. (This may include individual treatment or inpatient hospital care.)
We invite you to inform us of your experience with any listed services by emailing us at
Are you a health professional?
Find out more about the eCOPE directory or apply to be on the register today.