Welcome to our Community

Motherhood, particularly those early years, can be incredibly lonely – at a time when women need support the most.
To ensure no mums are left behind on their journey through pregnancy and new motherhood, in early 2020 COPE partnered with Mama Tribe, a national network in over 50 locations with over 50,000 members.
Welcoming Mama Tribe as part of the COPE family has seen the two organisations join forces to create bigger and better support systems for mothers across Australia – both face-to-face and online via Facebook.
Find out more about Mama Tribe
What Mama Tribe offers
Nurturing safe, online spaces for mums has been particularly important amid the coronavirus pandemic with many mothers unable to attend traditional mothers’ groups. These locals groups have provided a comforting alternative, during a particularly isolating time.
COPE and Mama Tribe’s partnership will equip Mama Tribe Ambassadors with accredited perinatal mental health community education training to ensure vulnerable mothers needing more support are identified early and referred to appropriate treatment.
Together, we are changing the face of perinatal care in Australia – and we’d love you to join us!