Working through pregnancy

Challenges of working during pregnancy
Working through pregnancy can present many challenges for some women.
With the substantial changes in a woman’s body throughout pregnancy, it is no wonder that some women can struggle with their daily routines, which includes working. For some women, pregnancy may bring crippling morning sickness, ongoing nausea and vomiting or hyperemesis. For others, it may mean emotional ups and downs.
There are many physical changes associated with pregnancy. This can result in women having difficulty or being unable to perform their normal working roles. Early in pregnancy, if a woman does not wish to disclose their pregnancy, this can be particularly challenging.
Your changing identity
Additionally, for many women, their professional role has been a principle source of identity and purpose for some time. Pregnancy can challenge these thoughts and bring a profound sense of re-evaluation as they prepare for that transition.
The following information sets out some of the common issues that come up for individuals working through their pregnancy. It includes understanding your rights and responsibilities, managing your pregnancy at work and making the best possible transition into leave physically, emotionally and professionally.
Your rights and responsibilities as an employee
Once you know you are pregnant, it’s good to let your employer know as soon as possible and advise them of the expected date of birth. Legally, you must give your employer at least 10 weeks notice prior to taking maternity leave, whether paid or unpaid. However, the earlier you share this information, the more your employer can do to support you through your pregnancy and make any necessary adjustments.
Many women (and their partners) during their first trimester advise their immediate manager or a close friend only. By the second trimester, you may want to share the news more broadly. When people at work understand that you are going through a significant transition, they are likely to help you manage any challenges that arise more effectively. This can also increase your sense of support at work.
Working during pregnancy
In sharing the news of your pregnancy, you have a chance to start talking with your employer about your needs during your pregnancy. While pregnancy is not an illness, women are entitled to use their normal sick leave entitlements if you experience any pregnancy-related illness or injury.
Some employers may also have specific leave entitlements to help you attend any pre-natal appointments or other entitlements, which may help you during this time. You may need to discuss some alterations to your work schedule too. These alterations may include agreeing to a later starting time if mornings are difficult, specific dietary requirements or changes in break times or the timing of any significant travel requirements.
You can also start to think about how long you intend to work during your pregnancy, and if special arrangements are relevant. Such arrangements may include working from home, minimising travel or seeking flexible hours. A discussion with your employer will help to clarify your entitlements, as individual workplaces may have specific arrangements in place. If you plan to work beyond 34 weeks into your pregnancy, your employer may request a medical certificate that confirms you are safe to continue working.
Pregnancy discrimination
Pregnancy discrimination is illegal in all Australian workplaces. This means you should not be treated differently because of your pregnancy in relation to your employment rights.
But what if your usual job may expose you, or your unborn child, to any potential risks? You are entitled to seek a safe working alternative or lighter duties during your pregnancy. This includes exposure to things such as radiation, heavy lifting or particular chemical exposures,
If the option of alternative or lighter duties is not available, you may need to take No Safe Job Leave. For further information or assistance, the Fair Work Ombudsman can assist.
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) review of the experiences of pregnant women and men and women returning to work following parental leave was released in 2014. Their survey found that almost half (49%) of mothers reported experiencing discrimination in the workplace at some point during pregnancy, parental leave or on return to work.
In addition, more than a quarter (27%) of fathers and partners reported experiencing discrimination in the workplace related to parental leave and return to work. These experiences ranged from negative attitudes and comments to loss of opportunities, reductions in conditions or even redundancy and job loss.
Pregnancy discrimination can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health, earning capacity and living standards. Pregnancy discrimination can also have workplace impacts and your decision whether to return to work. This treatment is illegal and you can take action if you experience it. For more information or to make a complaint, you can contact the AHRC through their website.
What to expect with the ‘work-life juggle’
Hear from Evelyn on the ‘work-life juggle’, which we addressed as part of our YouTube and podcast series The Mum Drum:
Planning your parental leave
Planning your parental leave is of great importance for both men and women.
“One factor that has been identified in several studies as influencing whether or not women return to work after having a child is planning during pregnancy”
(Coulson, et al, 2012, p. 34)
For both men and women, your thoughts may also be turning to your plans for moving through parental leave and returning to work. Starting conversations early with your employer will help to set expectations for both parties. Don’t feel that you need to have exact plans in place, as you may find that your experiences of becoming a parent change your expectations of work.
Tips for transitioning into maternity leave
As you get closer to commencing parental leave, there are practical questions around what work you will complete and what tasks you may need to hand over to someone else. Another person may be recruited to fill your position while you are on leave. Or your role may be divided amongst other staff in your organisation. Either way, providing a list of contacts, projects or expected future milestones will help both of you, by easing your transition out of these tasks and assisting them to step into these activities smoothly.
In addition, make sure you make any changes to contact details. This includes providing your address and email details whilst on leave, and the most appropriate phone contacts. Do you have access to work equipment, such as a mobile phone, laptop or tablet or a work vehicle? If so, you may need to make arrangements around whether you are able to retain these, or whether you need to arrange for replacements.
Overall, preparing yourself, your work and your clients and colleagues for your time away from the role will help everyone, including you, have the best possible start to your parental leave. Your professionalism, and making for a smooth handover is likely to pay dividends later.
Check-list for working during pregnancy
- Communicate with your organisation as early as possible. Discuss any changes to working arrangement that may help you.
- Have a plan for handing over responsibilities. Prepare your team and colleagues well.
- Do you think you have experienced pregnancy discrimination? Discuss this with your workplace and if necessary seek assistance.
- Discuss your plans for parental leave. This includes how to stay in touch while you are on leave and your plans around the likely length of your leave.
- Research the programs, policies and benefits available through your employer. Many employers have useful packs and checklists available.