Postnatal depression

“You’re a midwife, you’ll be fine”: The six words Megan won’t forget

You’re a Midwife, you’ll be fine.” 6 words repeated to me. 6 words that caused added pressure. 6 words I’ve never forgotten. I’d seen… Read More

“The early days of motherhood were so tough.” ~ Lauren Tench

COPE Ambassador Lauren Tench shares her story as part of The Truth Campaign. I struggled to fall pregnant for many years. When I fell pregnant I had really strong pain, so I went to the hospital… Read More

Having a baby during the pandemic was the hardest thing I’ve ever done – Alexandra’s Story

In early March 2020, I was heavily pregnant, COVID started to infiltrate the world and as I was deemed as high risk my company shipped me off to work at home. The sense of panic… Read More

Dana’s Story: ‘The truth is we are not meant to be doing this alone.’

Dana Stephensen, Senior Artist at The Australian Ballet shares her story as part of COPE’s The Truth campaign. Very early on after the birth of my twin girls, I was diagnosed with severe postnatal depression… Read More

Birth trauma and resulting PTSD – Hannah’s Story

It took 18 months for Hannah to receive a diagnosis of PTSD following her traumatic birth. She’s sharing her story as part of COPE’s The Truth Campaign to help others feel less alone and to… Read More

The impact of shame and stigma – Nia’s Story

For mother of two Nia, who experienced postnatal depression after the birth of her first baby, shame and stigma prevented her from asking for help when she needed it the most. “… Read More

Relationships in early parenthood – Nami and Andy’s story

The transition to new parenthood came as a shock to Melbourne couple Nami and Andy. The pair are sharing their journey as part of COPE’s The Truth Campaign to shine a light… Read More

The truth behind postnatal rage – Katie’s Story

Katie was shocked at the sheer force of the rage she felt after the birth of her baby, Caleb. While she had experienced postnatal depression after her daughter Abby was born, the anger after… Read More

The truth behind intrusive thoughts – Lara’s Story

ABC journalist Lara Hyams experienced postnatal depression and intrusive thoughts after the birth of her first baby. Now, she’s sharing her story as part of COPE’s The Truth campaign.  I will never forget my… Read More