Perinatal Loss in Practice: What Hospital Staff Need to Know


  • Accredited by COPE: Centre of Perinatal Excellence
  • Australian College of Midwives (ACM) CPD Recognised Activity for 5.5 hours
  • Built in assessment to consolidate your learning
  • Digital certificate of completion

$320 AUD (plus GST)

Note: Purchase of this course entitles course access and certification for one person only. Group discounts apply for organisations as well as students. To enquire, please contact


In this course, we provide you with a comprehensive overview of Perinatal Loss and offer practical advice when caring for families following a miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death.

This course has five core modules:

  • Understanding perinatal grief
  • Challenges and barriers
  • Supporting the bereaved family
  • Going home
  • Support for the health care professional

Course Objectives

  1. Gain an understanding of Perinatal grief and how this type of grief impacts on families
  2. Understand the different types of perinatal loss – miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, stillbirth, & neonatal death
  3. Learn the common reactions parents experience in the early stages of their grief
  4. Explore the challenges bereaved parents face following the death of their baby(ies)
  5. Examine the challenges that the health care practitioner must navigate when caring for bereaved families
  6. Define and learn what ‘parent-centred care’ means and why it is important in the context of perinatal loss
  7. Outline the five (5) core goals of effective bereavement care
  8. Explore how to help parents create memories & enhance parenting opportunities
  9. Be aware of the support organisations and options for help following discharge from hospital including a subsequent pregnancy
  10. The importance of self-care for the practitioner

Estimated time

Complete at your own pace within twelve (12) weeks. Estimated time of completion is 5-6 hours. 

Please note: At 8 weeks from your commencement date, you will be emailed a reminder that you have 4 weeks remaining. Access to the course will be terminated at 12 weeks.


Purchasing this course entitles access of content and certification by one person only. Sharing of content is in breach of the terms of sale.

To enquire about student fees, discounts for group bookings or arrange for an invoice to be prepared, contact us at


This Program has been developed by Eliza Strauss who is a Bereavement Midwife and co-founder of the Perinatal Loss Centre. To find out more about the presenter, see the attached information.

The Program has been reviewed and is recommended by the Centre of Perinatal Excellence.

Presenter information

Biography – Eliza Strauss



<div class="">Welcome to my online training program “Perinatal Loss in Practice: What Hospital Staff need to Know”.</div> <div class="">I am very pleased you have decided to take part in this important educational tool to help support you in gaining the necessary knowledge and skills with respect to Perinatal Loss when caring for bereaved families. I hope you gain a lot from this training.</div> <div class="">Welcome and let’s get started!</div>


Module 1: Understanding Perinatal Grief

In this Module, we will begin with an overview of Perinatal loss and how this type of grief can be different to other types of loss. Lesson 1 includes what parental grief looks like for families experiencing the death of their baby and then we will look at the different types of loss from miscarriage to stillbirth to neonatal loss in Lesson 2. In covering these, I will discuss the occurrence, the legal definitions and risk factors for each. In the final lesson (Lesson 3) of this first module, I will discuss the common reactions parents face in the early stages of their loss. Included within each lesson is a range of resources for you that you will be able to download and use in your practice. To get started with Module 1, simply click on the 'Complete and continue' button on the top right corner of your screen.


Module 2: Challenges and Barriers

So we have completed Module 1 and now to Module 2: Challenges for the bereaved parent. We will begin with the topic of challenges for bereaved parents in Lesson 1, followed by lesson 2 where we will consider what health care professionals may often find challenging, when caring for bereaved families. Caring for these families is undoubtedly a difficult area of nursing and obstetrics and I hear many concerns from staff who feed back to me that they just don’t know what to say or do. So let's look at equipping ourselves with the knowledge and understanding of this topic in this Module.


Module 3: Supporting the Bereaved Family

In this module, Module 3 we will cover the front-line aspects of bereavement care. You will learn what parent-centred care means which is underpinned by the extremely important five core goals of that care. This is the backbone of what needs to be done in the hospital setting and this is how I care for families when they are in front of me. These core goals of bereavement care are recommendations from the PSANZ guidelines which informs this module. There is a link to these guidelines in the reference list at the end of this training and I highly recommend you seek these out and have a copy of them at your workplace. This is also a very practical module with tips on the ‘what to say and do’ and how to go about it. This module is a big one so let’s get started!


Module 4: Going Home

In Module 4 we will be looking at going home and what this means for families when they leave us in hospital. It is often a big transition from leaving the hospital and integrating back in to their friends and family’s lives and contemplating a return to work. We will discuss the support they may require and also look at lactation after loss. We will also cover what happens when a bereaved family are thinking about trying for another baby and the implications and support they need during this


Module 5: Support for Health Care Professionals

Module 5 is all about you … the health care professional and supporting you! In this module we will focus on self-care as it’s often neglected despite working in a caring industry and one that can often be quite stressful and overwhelming. We now know how caring for parents experiencing perinatal loss is a difficult specialty and I want you to be aware of what help there is out there for you. I know personally from working in this area, that I have to take the time and focus on what my needs are just as much as what the needs are for the family I am caring for. So let’s get started with Lesson 1 and delve deeper in to what self care means and why it is important.
