Fathers & partners

Becoming a parent is one of the most significant life events that fathers and partners will experience, and brings with it a wide range of emotions and feelings as you adjust to the concept and reality of having a new person to care for and a new sense of responsibility.
The range and degree of adjustment will depend on many factors – your own outlook and expectations, your priorities, relationships, financial position and access to support.
Regardless of your situation, becoming a parent is likely to encompass highs and lows. There will no doubt be times of great joy, excitement and pride, but there may also be times when you are likely to feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and exhausted.
This section of the COPE website outlines some of these adjustments to parenthood for fathers and partners and the potential impacts these can have on you and your lives. Find out more about:
- Adjusting to parenthood
- Supporting your partner
- The impact of fatherhood on your life
- Managing fatherhood stress
- Mental health problems in dads
- Anxiety in fathers
- Depression in fathers
- Getting help
By providing you with important information about what to expect and what others have experienced, you can gain insights and strategies to help you to look after yourself as well as your partner and baby.