Managing priorities

There will always be good days and bad days for every parent. With all the adjustments and change it is likely that there will be times when you feel tired, distressed or that you are not coping. Managing priorities as a new parent can seem easier said than done.
The thought of getting through the day is daunting. No-one tells you how hard it is.
Parenting can be intense and at times unrelenting, so taking time out to have a break and do something for you personally that you enjoy can be vital. You may find it hard to find time for household tasks and/or to do the things that you used to manage to do or enjoy, whilst also meeting the needs of your new baby.
Be prepared to let some things go for a while. Things don’t need to be perfect.
I have learned that I don’t have to do everything in one day. It’s okay to leave jobs for another day, especially when you are attending to the needs of your children all day long.
Don’t forget to invest some time in your own needs. After all, if you don’t look after your own needs first, you may not be able to meet the needs of others.
Things have changed for me now. I enjoy my children and life so much more since I have learned to maintain a balance between their needs and mine. I have come to understand that giving to myself is not selfish. When I nurture myself, I also nurture my family.